Pickleball apparel

Pickleball Paddles now available in Store

Pickleball Paddles now available in Store (10140 Beach Dr, Calabash, NC)

We are now selling Pickleball Paddles in our local Calabash, NC store. Give us a call at 800-838-7343 and we can ship out to customers that are not close to our location.

Sugoi New Cycling Jersey's for the Road and Trails
A cycling jersey makes a difference when out for a long ride on the trail or road. These jersey's are made from a really good breathable fabric tha...
Pickleball Apparel
5 Rules of Pickleball
  • Rule 1: The ball must stay inbounds. ...
  • Rule 2: There must be one bounce per side. ...
  • Rule 3: You must serve at the baseline. ...
  • Rule 4: Serves cannot land in the no-volley zone. ...
  • Rule 5: The game ends at 11, 15, or 21 points.
Vibram toe socks and shoes
Vibram not only has toe shoes and toe socks, they now have boots. Their wrap boot is so easy to slip on and the top of the boot just wraps around y...
Inspiration for the week!
It's never a bad time for some inspiration...and it can come from anywhere, anything, or anyone!
Cycling Gear-A Necessity
Because cycling affords individuals the opportunity to exercise while enjoying the beauty of the outdoors, it is oftentimes the first option people...
How Compression Sleeves Work
New technology in workout apparel has increased the effectiveness of our workouts in recent years. Made popular by many professional athletes, comp...
Active Living: Making a Better You
Living an active lifestyle has physical, mental, emotional, and social benefits. While magazines and television advertisements are pasted with mira...
Reflective Clothing: A Runner's Necessity
Running is one of those sports that you can do at any time of the day. However if you are a late night runner, one of your major concerns needs to ...
Mountain Biking: A Way of Life
Mountain biking is a rigorous sport that is enjoyed by many around the world. This sport can take you on a journey both physically and mentally. In...
One of our new Brands - DeFeet International
As we all know, it's important to choose the right kind of socks to wear with your shoes. Depending on the type of shoes you wear, you definitely w...
2014 SKINS Collection In Stock
What you wear when you’re out cycling can make a big difference to your enjoyment of the ride. The 2014 SKINS Collection cycle pro apparel is comfo...

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