Reflective Clothing: A Runner's Necessity

Running is one of those sports that you can do at any time of the day. However if you are a late night runner, one of your major concerns needs to be safety. Visibility is very limited in the dark hours of the night. So as a late night runner, you should buy reflective gear to keep yourself visible and safe. Reflective gear has come a long way and it no longer just means reflective tape on you r clothes or some small reflectors on your shoes. With technological advances there is some really cool and bright reflective gear out there. For example, the Brooks Nightlife hat would be a perfect night runner accessory. It is a cool looking hat with reflective piping and it also has a LED light to help light up the road. It is an all-weather hat so even the rain will not dim your light. Not into wearing anything on your head? A reflective safety vest will suit your needs. A Nathan Safety Running Vest provides you with the safety that you need without losing comfort. The idea of adding extra clothes does not appeal to you but you still want to keep yourself safe. Try the Nathan Lightbender. It is a comfortable lightweight LED band. It is water proof, sweat proof, and a battery life of 1000 hours. The replaceable watch batteries power up the arm band to provide you with 360 degrees of visibility. These are just small things that you can do to ensure your night run is as safe and fun as it can possibility be. Just because you are running at night, does not mean that you can have a little light leading your way.

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